
What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese healing therapy that was developed by Dr Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 20th century, pronounced ray-key.

The Japanese word Reiki means universal energy.

Eastern medicine systems work with this energy, which flows through all living things & is vital to wellbeing. The energy is known as 'Ki' in Japan, 'Chi' in China and 'Prana' in India. Reiki isn't part of any type of religion or belief system. This life-force energy flows throughout our bodies all the time & if it becomes imbalanced, blocked or disrupted, it will cause weakness & dis-ease within the body; which will be the root cause of physical, mental or emotional conditions that can develop if unaddressed.

You don’t have to get undressed for treatment. You usually take your shoes & get comfortable on my treatment couch by lying down. You can have your eyes open or closed & I do provide an eye mask if you would like it. I create a relaxing atmosphere by using Vitali-Chi aroma frequencies that assist in relaxation & play gentle healing vibrational music to assist in the healing experience.

The aim is to change, move & balance the energy fields within & around your body, to get rid of any energy blocks to encourage physical, psychological, emotional & spiritual healing & strengthen your energy or Ki. It works on many different levels & helps to enhance & rebalance your mind, body & spirit. During the treatment you might feel a tingling sensation, a deep relaxation, or warmth or coolness throughout your body. You may feel energy flowing through your body.

Receiving Reiki is a calming & relaxing experience.

It is a completely non-invasive therapy as it is performed with the client fully clothed and hands are simply laid-on or held directly above specific areas. I work off body so just a few inches above your body. During the treatment I move my hands above your body, starting at your head & working down to your feet, but may focus on particular areas of the body you have indicated are causing problems.

After your treatment you can expect to feel relaxed & refreshed. You may feel a little emotional after your treatment but is a normal part of the healing, detox & releasing process.

Directly after a Reiki treatment you may feel thirsty, it is important to drink plenty of water & avoid caffeine.


[ Reiki treatment ][ 45 minutes ][ £35 ]